Within the context of “The Solar Warrior”
trilogy this third book entitled “A New Hope” emerges by providing a series of
contents that constitute the authentic acid test for whoever ambitions to
incarnate again the archetype of the Solar Warrior in the specific conditions
of the 21st century. “Specific
conditions”: this is the fundamental premise of this whole third volume.
While in the case of “Origins, Rise and Decline” as in “The Eclipse”, the
mythical, legendary and strictly historical aspects of the ephemeral apparition
of the Solar Warrior are more emphasized within the human domain, in this third
book: “A New Hope” has been chosen to get grounded in our specific age, the 21st
century. And yet, the fact of intending to “become grounded” isn´t such an easy
task in our times, even for he who aims to vigorously follow the heroic path…
This is so because in general in industrial
and technologically advanced societies the forms of knowledge we drag in our
psyche and the links or experiences we establish with the actual world are more
and more confined in separate domains. Hence, on one hand we deeply cherish a
huge amount of cultural, political and scientific notions that were quite
efficacious for specific social layers of the West during the 19th
and 20th centuries, but that now however are completely inapplicable
within the specific conditions of the 21st century. Thus, whenever
we face the challenging task of defining these “specific conditions” we lack an
adequate criteria or viewpoint; a criteria adapted to our times. There are
those who might consider that the scientific method can be used in these cases,
and in effect we believe that such approach constitutes a foundational
requirement, yet even when the scientific method is rigorously applied it is
always important to maintain high doses of prudence since -as already explained
more in detail in “The Eclipse”- such methods can serve forms of knowledge that
the observer might be in many cases perfectly unaware of.
This caution has impeded me in this second
book from approaching the “specific conditions” of our times by means of a
strictly scientific knowledge, since as already shown in “The Eclipse”, the
fact of approaching the physical domain of our times by exhausting the
possibilities that offer the ensemble formed by the scientific-reductionist
paradigms, the non-linear physics paradigms and the cybernetic paradigms
carried us to a point where inevitably the spirit of the observer fuses with
the spirit of whatever is observed. Ultimately one can only observe in the
world what one is with regard to
one´s multiple expressions, and therefore the great question ultimately
becomes: Who is here the observer?…
It is precisely at this point that myth has
assisted us to get off the hook. Even though in this third book of “The Solar
Warrior” trilogy the approaches regarding myth and legend that are much more
present in the volume “Origins, Rise and Decline” are put aside, actually the
guiding golden thread of all the development and all the specific viewpoints
embraced regarding the conditions of our times has been ultimately accomplished
in this third book “from an eagle´s view”, this is, by fusing with Solar
This has been the decided standpoint. And
it should already seem at a first glance the most appropriate, since we
definitely live in times where the available distances have increased in an
inverse proportion to the available amounts of available time. And by embracing
warrior-like notions and worldviews that have been lost in the mist of times,
and which to a large extent defined a way of
experiencing the world rather than a mere way of just thinking about it,
with regard to the approach to our times we´ve been assisted in recovering the value of action, as an expression of a praxis, or a mode of operating upon the
physical domain that follows very specific aims, even though these aims are not
necessarily known by the individual who exerts such actions due to the
existence of the aforementioned gap between the rusty concepts we drag and the
comprehension of the symbolic aspects of our actions.
And within the domain of the specific and
effective actions upon the material plane, it has been shown in the second book
of the trilogy “The Eclipse” how in our urban/industrial societies the nature
of human actions upon the world -or the specific praxis- are of a technical/cybernetic/functional kind. In the realm
of organization, States and individual relations, these forms of action
precisely allow the individual in the 21st century to become
integrated within society and participate. Obviously there exists a chaos of
many other actions exerted by individuals in our times, yet there exists
however a progressive monopoly of the technical/cybernetic/functional; actions,
and when facing the intrinsic power of these action forms, whatever the
individual believes or thinks has less and less relevance, since such beliefs
or thoughts cannot direct such actions in any way.
What entity actually exerts this monopoly?
The Techno-System, which we´ve already described and defined in depth in the
second book “The Eclipse”. To put it briefly, the Techno-System corresponds to
an entity or SuperState of a planetary order that monopolizes the actions of
organizations, States and individuals towards a very specific direction. In
addition, the global economic subsystem has also submitted to the determinisms
of the Techno-System, and ultimately the only praxis that allows an organization, an individual or a State to
nowadays gain an economic profit in the case of productive operations is if the
cybernetic/functional component of their decisions and implementations are
promoted and centralized. And yet these advantages go hand in hand with a
series of important consequences at a human level, which progressively create a
number of dependencies and attachments between men and the functional
mechanisms of their environment that imply the modification of the
psycho-somatic configurations of the individual, which almost always remain
confined to the subconscious domain, with there not existing nowadays in
practical terms teachings or methods that can allow the homo-technologicus to be aware of such forces.
When encountering this latter situation, to
even consider the existence of human liberty is quite illusory, since the patterns
and automatisms introduced within the deep recesses of the psyche by the
functional configurations of the technological environment substantially modify
the direction of the individual's actions, with the individual ulitimately
lacking the capacity to govern such impulses. And yet in no case does this
situation have to be dramatic, since on the other hand, the mechanistic and
functional environment integrated within the Techno-System provides the
individual with a whole series of virtual compensations -that is to say,
compensations that don´t have any effect on his capacity to make actual
decisions- where however the individual “builds” or “creates” the purely
artificial illusion of the freedom of choice. The lack of freedom in addition
to the lack of existential traumas is what can facilitate in our times the
relatively new condition of happy and self-satisfied slave.
This illusion granted by the Techno-System
to the individual who is well integrated within it corresponds to an illusion
that has became manifest in our days in two main branches: the illusion with regard to the individual use of technique, and the
illusion that modern politics, science and public opinion can direct in advance
both the direction of technological and industrial development. The illuison of the use of modern
technique is explained in detail in “A New Hope” as the false idea that men can
determine a “good” or “bad” goal for a given technological device. It is shown
in this third book of “The Solar Warrior” how in the case of modern devices of
a systemic essence, any moral “superstructure” is totally incompatible with the
intrinsic development potentials of the technological infrastructure itself.
This is so to a large extent because the modern technical object has became cybernetic
and systemic, and such transformation necessarily implies that the analysis of
any “individual use” necessarily becomes radically different. Hence, in our
times it is very naïve to separate the devices or gadgets from the global-scale
industrial and technological infrastructure that made them possible. This
industrial and systemic infrastructure has been defined in “A New Hope” as the container of the Techno-System, where
can be found all impersonal determinisms and laws that direct it autonomously.
Within this container or matrix of the Techno-System are
integrated the contents where the
individual enjoys the freedom of choosing from a wide variety of uses and
consumptions, even though none of these uses or consumptions can modify an iota
the container, in a similar way as to
how the colour of the body of a car corresponds to an individual decision that
doesn´t alter the technical characteristics of the car´s motor. In other words:
thousands of cars painted with the most diverse spectrum of colors all go
practically at the same average speed when circulating through the urban
Therefore, an individual might use a car in
order to take his kids to school or runover and kill, yet none of these
marginal individual decisions can modify an iota the overall direction of
technological and industrial development of the whole automotive sector, which
follows autonomous and impersonal determinisms that even transcend the economic
domain. This doesn´t mean that men are necessarily subjected to a system that
beats them down and subjugates them at its own will; actually even though the
development of the Techno-System is autonomous as an unbridled giant, this
doesn´t entail that men, by following the heroic path, are impeded from
situating themselves in a position of absolute freedom when challenging the
different levels of technical phenomena integrated in the Techno-System. So
this is why, following here Marshall McLuhan´s thesis “the medium is the
message”, in our days true human freedom consists of actions that freely elect
the existent means integrated within
the container of the Techno-System,
leaving in the background the supposed value of the contents, which are ultimately highly virtual with regard to their
influence both in men´s consciousness and in the configuration of the external
world. Hence, by putting forth here a simple and introductory example of the
latter, true human liberty actually consists in dominating the desire of
turning the T.V. set or smartphone on or off, and not in the pseudo-form of
freedom that consists of choosing among a wide variety of 200 T.V channels or
web-sites, after having been in direct contact with the contents of such channels or web-sites.
All these ideas might sound pretty radical
to the reader, and in this third book of “The Solar Warrior” trilogy it is also
assumed that the reader must practice the virtue of patience in order to
progressively perceive this worldview within his/her direct experience. Of
course, one of the other conditions required in order to attain this worldview
demands on the part of the aspirant to Solar Warrior purging the illusion of modern politics.
“Political illusion” is an expression taken
from the French philosopher Jacques Ellul in the book of his which has the same
title. If one intends to extrapolate towards the level of national governments
the powerlessness of the individual when it comes to determining the direction
of technological development, there emerges the logical question regarding if
modern political representatives and governors can become capable of leading or
directing such process. In order to answer this question we must determine
which are the finalities that the political classes propose and which are the
means that are available in order to make possible in practical terms such
goals. By rigorously restricting our analysis to the conditions existent within
the modern urban/industrial societies, we´ll see how the successful modern
politician is he/she who proposes to the citizens goals that refer to economic
growth and the well-being of the electors and citizens. These two latter goals
are only possible to satisfy by means of an adequate and optimal management of
the economic means of production, which are of a technical and technological
nature. And in this case, the individuals who are capable in practice of
favouring and optimising the development of such means are not the politicians,
but the ensemble formed by the engineers, the scientists, the technicians, and
the technocrats. What´s then the role of politicians in all of this? Both
politicians and the contents of public opinion (celebrities, famous sports
players, artists, etc) essentially serve as to fortify the conscious and
unconscious attachment of the individual and voter to specific ideologies
(happiness, work, progress…) which are necessary in order to mobilize the
resources that allow the incessant development of the Techno-System to become
possible. In other words, the political domain, by having constituted an aim in
the West before the 20th century, after the constitution of the
Techno-System during the last century became a means, a content of a
spectacular nature that has no influence in the container of the Techno-System.
Again, the latter thesis might seem quite
radical to the reader, and yet in this third book it has became tested in the
“laboratory” of the world in the case of a very specific and crucial phenomena…
Let´s see…
Review of "A New Hope" by Living Traditions Magazine
From an exclusively technocratic viewpoint,
the Techno-System constitutes the most advanced form of a technological and industrial
civilization, and as any other civilization, it is also prone to inevitable
processes of development and decline. In the case of the Techno-System, its
necessary yet not sufficient conditions of existence are the following:
a) a mass technological society composed of
individuals who act based on the ideologies of happiness (comfort), work,
science, and material progress, and
b) Easy availability of material and
energetic resources
In the case of the Techno-System we can
reliably verify that factor a is still thriving, but that in the case of the
condition b we are already experiencing important problems. In general, as long
as there is an easy availability of material and energetic resources almost any
technical problem can have a technical solution. But if factor b fails, then
technological development starts to inevitably decelerate, and the role of the
technicians starts to become more and more inoperative.
The development speed of the Techno-System
is highly dependant on a specific ratio, the global EROEI (Energy return on
energy investment), which expresses the amount of net energy obtained by the
system in the global processes of energy production. This EROEI has been
declining since already some time ago, and this plunge is irreversible, since
the Techno-System is unable to recycle the dissipation caused in the finite
resources it depends on. This shall necessarily produce during the following
years a decline, followed by an abrupt collapse of the Techno-System. So…
Houston, we´ve got a problem… Are today´s politicians actually reacting in the
face of this real and in no case virtual issue?
Absolutely not, and ultimately they are
just “following the script”, since the function of modern politicians is that
of feeding the desires of the integrated masses within technological societies.
By contributing to the latter there appeared in relatively recent times the
ideology of “sustainability”. And we use the term “ideology”, since after
having being during its origins a term that implied a stable and harmonic link
between men and the environment, it has ended up becoming a mere justification
for the development and implementation of systemic/cybernetic technologies such
as the smart grids and the production of energy from renewable resources by employing
wind-turbine and photovoltaic technology, etc. In the case of smart grids the
criteria of its implementation is that of enhancing efficiencies and the
distribution of energy for society, which are already experiencing in
productive terms diminishing production returns. Up to this point everything
seems reasonable, and even having common sense… And however the comprehension
of the Techo-System´s laws allows us to see in this volume “A New Hope” how
these measures reinforce even more the internal imperatives of the
Techno-System, which in an aggregate form always demands constant growth of the
energetic depletion of the planet. And this phenomena which takes place in the
entire domain of the “eco-efficient” technologies can also be applied perfectly
well to the domain of PV solar, wind-turbines, and more recently the “fracking”
process taking place in the U.S. The latter in no case means that the future of
the production of energy in a sustainable way won´t be by resorting to
renewable sources, but that if such production is effectively accomplished in
the future in a truly sustainable way, it will have to be free from the
Techno-System´s imperatives.
Absolutely none of these technologies is
capable, even considering the hypothesis that they could be applied at a global
level, of compensating for the decline of the global EROEI, which actually
corresponds to the true “oxygenation” of the Techno-System and everything that
depends on it; an “oxygen” that is much more crucial than the availability of
strictly financial resources such as money. At the end of the day, the
so-called “global-debt” corresponds to a debt between the incessant development
demands on the part of the Techno-System, and the capacity of human societies
and the planet to keep up with such demands.
These demands shall never be able to be
fully satisfied because of strictly energetic limitations, and eventually the
“rules shall be broken”, or better expressed, the house of cards of the
Techno-System shall abruptly fall apart in historical terms. The irreversible
steep inclination of this decline is linked to the high levels of integration
of the Techno-System in all its aspects, which concedes its considerable
fragility and incapacity for self-regulation whenever the energetic demands are
not satisfied. This foreseeable phenomena can entail scenarios of the most
diverse that the reader is free to speculate about of course, but that however
in “A New Hope” have been intended to become outlined with regard to their most
destructive and constructive existential aspects for the individual who
ambitions to become a Solar Warrior.
Probably one of the most negative phenomena
that shall emerge during the process of global collapse shall be that which in
“A New Hope” is defined as the tyrannical rebellion of the masses. By resorting
to several authors who have mastered the concept of “mass-men”, in this third
book of “The Solar Warrior” trilogy it is pointed out that the Techno-System
demands of the individual the adoption of passive, obedient or “stimulus-response”
attitudes in order to gain a more enhanced cybernetic integration, but that
once the ideological superstructure and the material infrastructure of the
Techno-System inevitably collapses, passive kind of attitudes will no longer be
useful and the individual shall ultimately be forced to face himself. In
situations such as the latter can emerge in the conscious mind the repressed
inner tension or drives: hatred, affections or disaffections that demand their
booty in the world, giving place to subversive, corrupt, destructive, anarchic
attitudes at all levels. If there exists a kind of individual predisposed to
adopting such behaviours it shall be the plebes or the scum, which in our times
in no way are no longer related to the economic or social-status conditions of
existence of the individual.
In such situations characterized by
civilization chaos it shall be very important for the Solar Warrior to
acknowledge which are the characteristics of both the plebes, scum and those of
the mass-individuals, since both respectively represent twilight incarnations
of the SuperDragon and the Techno-System; they represent conservative forces,
retrograde standpoints coming from the darkness, which the Solar Warrior must
not only defeat exteriorly but overall within
It is thus at this stage where the poison
can be synthesised into a medicine, and this is of course the aim exposed in
the second part of “A New Hope”
In the second part of “A New Hope” a
necessary return to values that some might call “archaic” is accomplished, even
though actually in this third book of “The Solar Warrior” trilogy such values
are conceived rather as eternal, not
of course in a romanticist or idealist way, but in the sense that no culture
nor creative link established among men and their new conditions of existence
have ever occurred without such principles, which are thereafter incarnated in
the case of princes, royalty and nobility.
Nevertheless, this majestic incarnation is
not but a “final product”, a “finished product” such as that of a Sword that
has to first go through high fusing temperatures in order to become finally
forged. And it is precisely the Solar Warrior he who aspires to such forging,
even though in the long term the necessary condition that shall guarantee the
final accomplishment of the goals by going through pain, sufferings and the
hellish fires of such experiences shall be the noble condition. Thus, in this
second part the concept of “noble” has been recovered with regard to its most
primordial meanings and thus has been divested of all connotation referring to
natural born privileges and titles of nobility that nowadays are not but mere
empty shells, since at the end of the day nobility can only be put to the test
in the case of combat and battle, and not precisely in “glamorous” parties full
of paparazzis of the cuore (sensationalist journalists).
Besides, the noble man who aspires to be a Solar Warrior has no concern about
the mawkishness of this form of cuore lifestyle
since he has, deep down, a noble heart, an honest, loyal and authentic heart
that he constantly exposes to combat and fighting in an inversely proportional
way as he becomes exposed to cocktails, well-being lifestyles and all other
forms of make-up.
In no way does the truly noble man want to
live well. He wants to fight. This is why in this second part of the “A New
Hope” is exposed a radical and revolutionary treatise on the Noble Warrior, as
the foundational condition to attain a regal and Solar condition, that of the
Solar Warrior, that today -as in all times- shall at the end constitute the
light and beacon of the eternal kingdom of the Solar Empire.
Appendix on marriage
At the end of this third book is
incorporated a treatise or appendix about marriage that has been considered
important. At first I was not sure if it was editorially better to append it to
this third book of the trilogy or to the other two, but finally we chose to
incorporate here, since this third book is more related to the “here and now”
that the aspirant to Solar Warrior has to face in his task.
A treatise regarding marriage was written,
since the candidate to Solar Warrior must also be very aware of how crucial for
his fight is the establishment of very specific links with the opposite sex.
Thus, taking into account that the Noble Warrior of the 21st century
has as a main enemy the Techno-System, and by acknowledging that this power
-which is still rather invisible for most of our contemporaries- became
ubiquitous, chances are that the option of modern marriage is not recommendale
for the aspirant to Solar Warrior while forging his fight, and while “burning”
all means in the bonfire and flames of his solar aspiration.
Why not recommendable? Because marriage,
today as always, corresponds to a State institution, legitimated by a given
structure of power, where both man and woman (or in homosexual forms which
don´t necessarily correspond to modern forms of marriage, but rather existed in
other times) get together in order to share a form of understanding life. This latter
agreement is the determining factor for the success of a marriage, and is also
a factor that surpasses the economic, sexual, affective and social domains. And
in the same way that in the Middle-Ages marriages were legitimated in the West
by the form of State existent at that time --the Church -- today marriages are
sanctioned by the Techno-System, not in a clear visible way, but rather by
interpretation of the elements that surround the marriage ceremonies of our
Can the Noble Warrior participate in this
fidelity oath with a worldview that he is actually fighting against? In no way.
Such act would ultimately constitute the proof of his inner abdication and
wrong calling. And yet the Noble Warrior can freely establish relations with
women, this is, unconditional links where both the Noble Warrior as his female
counterpart can serve the same idea, that of the Solar Empire, an idea that nowadays is not materialized anywhere,
but that can only be cherished by the heart. And in this sense, both the Noble
Warrior and his girlfriend can share the deepest recesses of their hearts,
experiencing very likely the most liberated and elevated forms of human love.
Buy “A New Hope” at Apple ibooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-solar-warrior-a-new-hope/id954656910?mt=11 or in Amazon http://www.amazon.com/The-Solar-Warrior-Hope-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B00R8H9220
Where to buy in print: https://www.createspace.com/5238811
Book contents
Part 1
with the rules of the cybernetic game
liberation from slavery starts
phase: liberation from the economic alienation
considerations on the concept of Technocratic SuperState
Imperatives of the Techno-System
Techno-System´s veil of illusions
ambivalent aspect of the technical use
illusion of politics
Houston, we
have a problem…
The energy
production of the Techno-System
perverse idea of sustainability
Part 2
tyrannical rebellion of the masses
The Masses.
characteristics of the mass-individual
cults of the modern mass-individual
characteristics of human scum
during the 21st century
The Noble
The Cult of
The Warrior
Appendix on
Part 2. Endnotes
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