The principles that have motivated the
creation of “The Solar Warrior” are both evolutionary
and revolutionary.
They are evolutionary principles, since at every moment existed the
assumption or premise that there is no evolutionary potential for humanity in
itself, but only to the extent that humanity -or more specifically men- manage
to establish firm connections with the new realities that are external to the
mere human domain, succeeding thus in creating a harmonic symbiosis between
both realms. Consequently a potential new bridging with the cosmos necessarily
demands a rigorous and adequate knowledge of the cosmos itself, yet in no case
is this knowledge of the cosmos independent of the Being or subject who acknowledges it, so when facing the endeavour
of establishing such connection in the existent conditions of the 21st
century, it is indispensable to comply with both the following pre-requisites:
a) an integral knowledge of the cosmos
b) the recovery of an integral knowledge
about the nature of men.
And it is in this regard that “The Solar
Warrior” necessarily complements the evolutionary
ambition with the revolutionary one,
by recovering therefore the original meaning of “revolution” from the Latin re-volvere which signifies “to go back
to the origins”, not obviously in a historic sense, but rather in a
meta-historic sense, this is, in the sense of recovering a worldview and a set
of principles that, independent of time and space, allow men to harmonically
link to the specific conditions of this time and such place.
Precisely due to the latter standpoint, the
commercialisation of “The Solar Warrior” in today´s publishing companies is
practically a mission condemned to fail, since in this trilogy is left aside
any humanist, liberal, conservative, ideological, ideal, evolutionist,
economic, romantic and spiritualist conception of men, which are all promoted
one way or another within the publishing arena of our times and that of the
mass-media, ultimately causing the feeding and fortification of humanity´s
alienation with regard to a relatively new set of conditions of existence.
These new conditions of existence are the modern urban/industrial/technological
and cybernetic domains, which as a whole
follow a set of laws that are absolutely independent of any humanist, liberal,
conservative, technological, ideal, evolutionist, romantic or spiritualist
Obviously at first the latter statement
shall sound very radical to most ears, in the same way it would have been very
radical to the first-class Titanic passengers to hear that none of their
romantic, economic, liberal, conservative, political or class-related ideas
could do anything against the titanic power that was tragically directing their
lives; a power they didn´t manage to see due to their liberal and bourgeois
conceptions of human freedom. But now whoever
wants to listen to the message shall at last listen to the message in all its
purity and power, and by means of learning about a revolutionary conception of
human freedom, individuals shall not only be free from the determining forces
of the 21st century, but what´s more important, shall end up
dominating such forces to their own advantage.
It is also important to advise the reader
that the message of “The Solar Warrior” in no case intends to promote the ego´s
self-satisfaction of the reader, nor promote that which in recent times has
been called positive thinking… This
trilogy is not intended for entertainment, nor is it intended to be liked,
“cool”, or “interesting”… In truth, it essentially consists of a formative work, aimed for those vigorous
and noble spirits that intend to reach the maximum they can reach in life on
their own, thus allowing them leave a true mark in the world that can trespass
millennia, with absolute responsibility. Yet this responsibility is necessarily
coupled to a discipline, and more particularly, to a self-discipline… In the
same way that maths constitute one of the most hated teachings yet one of the
most useful in our practical life, this trilogy is also characterized by the
same character of maths, and thus it can hardly constitute an adequate
intellectual satisfaction for those lazy or comfortable individuals who easily
let themselves be impelled by the chaotic waves of circumstance or diversion,
thus ambitioning a happy life free from any unbearable tensions.
So this goes in correspondence to the fact
of the warrior title of the trilogy;
yet eminently warrior, thus
recovering from the “warrior” concept its noblest, majestic and honourable
virtues, which have all been one way or another completely degraded in our
times due to the technical barbarism of modern war, and to a less extent due to
the diffusion of specific film and literary contents. But from the more
authentic and traditional viewpoint regarding war, such as that which had been
perfectly incarnated by the Knights Templar in the West and the Samurai in the
East, a key matter that emerges is the definition
of the nature of today´s conflict and the nature of the enemy.
In truth, during the last two centuries the
concept of “enemy” has also become very abruptly degraded in parallel to the
concept of “war”, since in the same way there is widespread idea in the
cultural domain of our times that war is motivated by economic or class-related
interests, such conception has inevitably caused the concept of enemy itself to
become reduced to that of merely economic or class-related motivations…
However, this view highly impoverishes a greater one conceived for instance by
the Knights Templar, more than seven centuries ago, who conceived war as a
necessary and indispensable conflict among diverse forms of power, aiming to
favour processes of synthesis or destruction that are consubstantial to any
human civilization. These powers are always configured by the States and the
Empires, as formative entities and historical forces that determine culture,
religions, economic processes and social organizations… And in all of this, war
appears as the necessary conflict between different worldviews in order to
modify the configuration of States and thus allow men who are integrated within
such States to encounter new aims and means whenever the conditions of life
The latter implies in practical terms that
whenever change, evolution or synthesis exists, war and conflict necessarily
have to exist… And yet… How can this key idea be applied to today's conditions
of life? If in the case of the industrial and civilized world of the modern
megalopolis we are living times of peace… Does this actually mean that we are
not living times of change, evolution, and synthesis?
As a matter of fact, in the former
assumption we are relying on a wrong premise: that of considering that in the
case of our developed world we are living times of peace. It would be much more
accurate to say that in the case of our developed societies we are mostly
living in times of comfort and well-being, yet in practical terms it is not
feasible to attain in the developed societies such conditions of comfort and
material well-being without a massive and unsustainable exploitation on a
planetary basis of energetic, material and human resources, in addition to the
necessary uprooting of native and traditional communities and cultures, all of
which inevitably causes processes of neurosis and many other modern pathologies.
The fact that this destructive process can be momentarily compensated with
surrogates of comfort, entertainment and consumption in no way implies that the
latent destructive process itself is eliminated, similarly to how an
antidepressant or painkiller never attacks the root of a psychological
So ultimately we are living times of deep
war, even though by superficially observing the level of subjacent conflict
that is revealed amidst our societies, it does not necessarily consist of a
conflict that is expressed in the abrupt loss of human lives -such as it takes
place in the case of the most barbaric aspects of modern war- as in the fact of
the suspicious need existent in our developed societies of avoiding conflict by
means of all forms of evasions, diversions and surrogates.
Therefore, by already being suspicious at
this point with regard to the almost undeniable existence of a latent conflict
within the developed societies of our times… What is actually the nature of
such conflict?… Facing this question we´ll have to resort once again to a
worldview lost in the mists of time where it is implicitly assumed that war is
always embedded with a spiritual or anti-spiritual character. And again, it is
very likely that the latter statement might frontally crash against any
spiritualist premise which assumes that whatever is “spiritual” has to be
synonymous of pacifism, harmony, mysticism, beatitude, and to a less extent,
has to be linked to the most diverse “New Age” currents that have appeared during
the last decades, mostly within the developed countries. Yet this crash in no
case consists of a crash against the value of what is spiritual, but actually
supposes a crash against a reductionist
view of what is spiritual, an interpretation that doses a comforting view
of spirituality that tends implicitly to demand conditions of material
well-being as the required infrastructure for such spiritualist and pacifist
superstructure… And no matter if the proponents of such spiriritualism shall
ever admit it or not, such modern material infrastructure in no way has been
materialized by pacific means, since the mega-industry that makes it possible
is destructive by nature.
Once this nuance is pointed out, in “The
Solar Warrior” there is provided a specific vision about the conflict of our
times, avoiding naturally any ideological standpoints that can avoid
challenging the conflict itself. It is considered that as occurs in all
conflict, there are forces meant to defeat and promote synthesis, when at the
same time these forces are always in opposition to forces that are meant to
lose and promote fragmentation. And it is assumed that the deep knowledge of
one of these forces allow the acknowledgement of the other, and vice versa…
Thus in “The Solar Warrior” trilogy there exists a constant contrast between
the heroic virtue, and all those social, political, ethical and technological
conditions that tend to burden the intrinsic brilliance of such virtue.
Therefore, at first, the Solar Warrior can be likely conceived as an individual
who has managed to allow the heroic virtue to prevail against the usurpation of
the disaggregating forces that exist in a given age, yet this victory is not
even thinkable if on one hand the principles of heroic virtues are not
recovered and, on the other, the correct acknowledgment of the disaggregating
and destructive forces of a given age is not made.
Nevertheless, for didactic reasons it has
been attempted in this trilogy to avoid describing in a strictly separated way
both the heroic virtue and the disaggregating forces, but rather what was
intended was to create a progressive transition between both domains, a bridge capable of facilitating for the
reader and aspirant to “The Solar Warrior” the knowledge with regard to the
direct repercussions of this conflict upon the domain of ideologies, history,
science, politics, ethics and the material infrastructure of our societies. Due
to the latter, the idea of considering the trilogy
format seemed the most appropriate, where in “Origins, Rise and Decline” the
heroic virtue is more emphasized, while in “The Eclipse” considerations in
regard to this transition or “bridging” are stressed, and in “The New Hope”
there are described in the most synthetic and brief way possible the specific
conditions of our times which are characterized by means and systems that are
embedded with the potential of disaggregating and denaturing the human capacity
to attain states of freedom, sovereignty and dominion.
The objective of “The Solar Warrior”
The birth of “The Solar Warrior” trilogy is
due to a large extent to the deep perception of the state of crisis that we our
living in our times, and to the pressing need to delve into a profound
diagnosis of this crisis, ultimately aiming to overcome it. And it is by
challenging this issue that the purely synthetic
spirit of the trilogy emerges as a fundamental response.
We tend to conceive, by inertia or comfort,
that if today there exists a crisis, that such crisis is of an economic type,
while others might still adduce that we live in times of political, moral,
ethical or values crisis, etc. Yet at the end of the day all these partial
crisis expressions are very much interconnected, and because of such
connectivity not even the economic crisis can be solved unless actions take
place upon the other domains… Therefore, we can already imagine here the highly
systemic nature of our crisis… In the
domain of nature all living beings tend towards self-organization and to
acquire the so-called homeostatic
states, which briefly means that amidst conditions of high chaos and energy
dissipation all functions, organs and sub-systems become coordinated in order
to serve a common purpose. And even though these phenomena take place in the
domain of nature, in the case of civilization such homeostasis very seldom takes place, and it is precisely in the
case of the technological, urban and industrial civilizations that we live in
today where we will very rarely find individuals capable of answering the
crucial question: What´s the purpose of such development?… For example, one way
or another in the political domain such answer always goes together with the
idea that development and economic growth serve individual material well-being
and the attainment of individual freedoms, yet in such answer a considerable
abdication is already manifest, since a finality, if it is an actual finality,
cannot serve individualist purposes, but rather must serve something that can
transcend individualism and allow the harmonic convergence of the virtues and
attributes of the given members of a society.
From the former can be deduced that one of
the main motives of the crisis we are living is directly related to the
incapacity on the part of the institutions or States to define finalities that
can go beyond the promotion of the individual and economic liberties of the
individuals. And yet when facing this dilemma there necessarily arises a great
question for the most awakened minds, since… If we thus consider the hypothesis
that the nation states of our times or the institutions of our urban-industrial
societies don´t define in effect authentic finalities: How can it be then that
modern society is still so sophisticatedly organized despite all the many
crises? The answer to this question shall constitute the most difficult to
digest on the part of most of our contemporary citizens, and yet it shall
however be the answer that shall allow seeing with renewed eyes the authentic
state of affairs… In truth, the highly organized state existent within the modern
urban/industrial domains necessarily requires the existence of a finality, yet
what is dramatic here -or better said, tragic- is that the finality itself is
unknown by the societies and individuals who follow such finality, no matter
how much an individual needs to believe that he obeys criteria chosen by him or
her. Ultimately, individualism itself is a necessary condition in order to
serve this unknown finality, and upon which is intended in “The Solar Warrior”
trilogy to shed light upon.
It is precisely in such situations where in
effect finalities do exist, and yet at the same time the latter are unknown by
men, when according to the most strict rigor the existence of the forces of darkness can be considered as
real, since men, even propelled by
anxious individualism, are still determined in the deepest recesses of their
beings by such forces, even though being unaware of the forces themselves. As
we formerly exposed, this unconscious obedience to given powers is linked to
the profound unawareness of the human nature itself with regard to its most
integral aspects. This integral knowledge encompasses as well the decisive
power of all unconscious and subconscious factors which even the
psychoanalytical schools of the last century didn´t manage to identify with
regard to their powerful transcendence, and especially because they mainly
dismissed the vertiginous rate of change that the environment and biosphere of
the earth experienced during the last century. The fact of shedding light upon
these dark unconscious and subconscious forces constitutes the necessary
condition in order to dominate such forces and thus attain the star of human
destiny and freedom. Otherwise, any discourse or talking about freedom can only
become highly virtual.
And not only freedom, but also the ethical,
political and moral domains of our times have also became highly virtual and
abstract, due to the simple reason that they are powerless when it comes to
challenging and gaining some practical relevance before the imperative of incessant
development, which during the last decades has ultimately monopolized the
action of men, and such criteria of development is what actually assigns the
social value of the individual who exerts such actions. The reader will very
likely gather thousands of examples of the latter on a daily basis… And
nevertheless, even with this being quite obvious, there still remains
unanswered the response to the great question: Which is the aim of this
This question will never be capable of
being answered by those who actively participate in such development, nor by
all those who by means of propagating ideologies, spectacles, consumerisms and
diversions still provide men with false and alienating justifications that in
no case coherently answer the question. It can´t either be answered by the
ensemble formed by the technicians, engineers, scientists or technocrats who in
general, without them even being aware of it, are constituted into the human
instruments who implement such development… This might be the most decisive
question of our times, and thus it is also necessary to determine who is
actually capable of attempting to answer it.
Whoever is capable of pointing out this
question in the first place, and what´s more important, of finding the answer, necessarily
has to correspond to a human type that nowadays is practically extinguished in
our societies. It has to correspond to a human type capable of overcoming and
integrating any mercantilist or technical view of life. Those who, in all time
and place, managed to follow aims that transcended such domains were the warriors. We´re not referring here to
soldiers or mercenaries… We´re talking about individuals who aligned with the
forces of an Empire or State, and that, by means
of their actions, incarnated such forces, which consolidated the power upon
which later on the economic subsystems and the social configurations could
materialize, like a portrait upon a canvas; and precisely the “portrait”
constituted the finality that directed the actions of the warrior, by aligning
with the spirit of the State or Empire.
Only warriors of this sort are capable of
asking the question, not necessarily by means of intellectual constructions,
but rather in their actions, their lives, their combat and their sacrifices.
Yet nowadays, these warriors are conspicuous by their absence, ultimately due
in the first place to the lack of States or institutions illuminated by
principles of Honour and courage, and in the second place due to the
progressive planetary predominance of States that have given in to the
imperative of development without being capable in any case of shedding light
upon the aim itself of such development. However, in our times the lack of
light at the level of public institutions and corporations doesn´t mean that in
other less visible domains which are more clandestine or enigmatic, the issue
regarding the aims of the human condition in our age hadn't been however
transmitted generation after generation since some centuries ago through a
golden thread of teachings and contacts that have always been present, and that
shall always be present, for whoever wants to open their eyes upon such
transcendental questions. This “inner empire” corresponds to a force of a
transcendent nature capable of shedding light upon the determining forces of
absolutely any age, aiming to employ such forces as means that can assist when
defining the degree of subjection of men to depersonalising and enslaving
powers. And the action of employing such means of power existent in a given
age, when aiming to liberate such light and not rather aiming to become further
attached to means of an uncertain finality or purpose, corresponds to a heroic
task that demands warrior natural conditions in whoever chooses himself for
such endeavour. This is why the only individual capable of answering the issue
of the ultimate finalities, thus shedding light upon the dark forces of a given
age shall necessarily be the Solar
Warrior, whose very life
expresses such finality.
This entails that situations of crisis and
conflict are always the food of the Solar Warrior. And this is not less true in
our times. And what´s more, the heroic principles of the Solar Warrior are
prone to becoming irreversibly degraded in situations of material well-being,
while they rather powerfully emerge during those historic times characterised
by dissolution, corruption and human barbarism in all their diverse forms.
This is why the main aim of “The Solar
Warrior” trilogy is that of assisting the reader to deeply comprehend the actual
existence of given determinisms -or laws if preferred- that nowadays burden his
or her potential to act according to a direction that can allow the culmination
of his or her maximum aspirations. These laws, in addition, are characterized
by several levels that are expressed differently through the three essays of
the trilogy. Hence, in the third book of the trilogy “A New Hope” such laws are
expressed based in their most materialistic and empiric character and in this
book is emphasized as well the importance of the conditioning of the
psycho-physiological human reactions by regular exposure to a cybernetic,
functional and virtual world that nowadays constitutes our main conditions of
existence. By embracing this crucial approach to the domain of the direct and
effective forms of experience of our times, in the second book of the trilogy:
“The Eclipse” is attempted a more decisive approach to worldviews, ideologies
and superstructures that we´ve assimilated for years and that allow the
psychological and religious (in the
Latin sense of re-ligare, to link a
collective in a given direction…) behaviour of the individual towards a
finality that not necessarily is that which promotes his true freedom and power
in relation to all means. Some might consider that this second book is more
focused in the “soul” or “psyche”, while the third is more focused in the
“body” and experience, and I even believe this view is of great coherence. And
in the third place we have the first book of the trilogy, “Origins, Rise, and
Decline” where we rather penetrate in a more metaphysical domain, a domain that
it is good to recall on the part of modern science has been considered as a
“subjective residue”. And yet in “Origins, Rise & Decline” by means of deep
introspection in the meanings of myth, such legendary domain shall precisely
aid in a very crucial way in order to comprehend the global meaning and the aim
of the whole of the content, not only in the case of the development of the
three books of the trilogy, but also by considering that the reader shall
eventually perceive analogous developments in his/her own life.
It is in this regard that the collection is
revolutionary, since the return to the origins is accomplished in order to
recover a meaning that can no longer serve as mere nostalgia or romanticism,
but rather serve in order to build a sense here
and now, upon the actual physical and material foundations existent in the
21st century. Obviously we are referring here to lay the foundations
of a gigantic project that shall require a superhuman effort.
But not even the eternal Rome -the Sacrum
Roman Imperium- was built in a day.
More on "Origins, Rise & Decline"
More on "The Eclipse"
More on "A New Hope"
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More on "A New Hope"
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